Some thoughts for the thoughtful!
Some Thoughts for the Thoughtful
Solomon the wise proclaimed: “but will God in very truth dwell on earth? Behold, heaven, and the heaven of heavens CANNOT CONTAIN THEE; how much less this house that I have builded!” (First Kings 8:27)
Since Solomon’s temple could NOT “contain” Him; all the earth could NOT “contain” Him; heaven and the heavens of heaven can NOT “contain” Him; it is an INDISPUTABLE FACT that the frail, putrid body of a man born of a woman COULD NOT and CAN NOT “contain” Him! – a thought for the thoughtful!!
The author of Colossians 2:9 claimed, “in him (Jesus) dwelleth ALL the fullness of the godhead bodily!” Yet, in his hour of need and agony, this god-filled man exclaimed “My God, my God, why hast THOU FORSAKEN ME?” (Matthew 27:46). Just WHICH GOD did this man, in whom “all of God dwelt,” have in mind?? How many are there? – another thought for the thoughtful!
The author of Galatians 5:2-3 states: if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you NOTHING! … every man that is circumcised … is a debtor to do the WHOLE LAW!” According to this, Christ’s ONLY purpose was to “free” mankind from the “yoke” of the LAW! It is a fact that the gentiles were never under the Law, so Christ “profits” them NOTHING either! If the Jews AND the Gentiles “profit” NOTHING from the fabulous saviour of the “New Testament”, it appears that the ONLY ones to make a profit were and are the myriads of priests, pastors, preachers, apostles and missionaries who make their living thanks to the gospel legend! Yet another thought for the thoughtful!
Jesus supposedly said: “whoever shall say ‘thou fool’ shall be guilty enough to go to the fire of hell! (Matthew 5:12) And in Matthew 23:17-19 we hear him say “Ye fools and blind!”; and again in Luke 11:40 “Ye fools!” Since anyone who calls a man “you fool” can go to hell, where is Jesus today? And we were taught that he is ruling in “heaven”, at the right hand of “God”! An additional thought!
Jesus said “without ME ye can do NOTHING!” (John 15:5). And in John 5:19 we read! “the ‘son’ can do NOTHING of himself!” Now, if we can do NOTHING without Jesus, and Jesus can do NOTHING of himself, we are really in a rough situation!
The only way out of this situation, dear reader is to reject the false doctrines and crude fables of the so-called “New Testament”, a book which was produced by the idolatrous Graeco-Roman Church in order to convert the credulous heathen of that day!
“Thus saith YHVH! Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the OLD PATHS, where is the good way, and walk therein, AND YE SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS!” (Jeremiah 6:16).
By: Mordecai Alfandari